1. What time is it: Nearly lunchtime 1150
2. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Far too embarrasing, and you know anyway!!
3. Nicknames: Susie Sunshine, Soozie
4. Parents names: Thomas Colin Manson and Anne Manson
5. Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake?: 36
6. Date that you regularly blow them out?: January 20th
7. Pets: Absolutely not
8. Height: 5'41/2''
9. Eye color: Grey
10. Hair Color: Blonde
11. Piercing: Three - all in my ears
12. Tattoos? No
13. How much do you love your job: Love doesn't come into it at all
14. Hometown: Edinburgh, UK
15. Current Residence: The Port of Leith, Edinburgh
16. Have you been in love? Yes
17. Currently involved? Have you got a few hours?!
18. Favorite thing about e-mail: Reaching over far waters in a few minutes
19. Been toilet papered? What??
20. Loved somebody so much it made you cry? No
21. Been in a car crash? No
22. Croutons or Bacon Bits? Croutons
23. 2 doors or 4 (on a car)? Don't mind
24. Coffee or Ice Cream? Too extreme to choose
25. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: blanket
26. Best Color: Green
27. Salad Dressing: Caesar
28. Socks color: Black
29. Book you're reading or hope to read: John Irving's new one
30. Favorite Movie: Scarface (Al Pacino) / Wild at Heart
31. Foods: I'm off my food at the moment!
32. Song Playing at the moment: none
33. Toothpaste: Crest (in a silver tube)
34. Restaurant: The Atrium
35. Flower: Irises
36. Least Favorite Food: Meat and fruit mixed together (any)
37. Sport to Watch: Football, darts, athletics, ice skating
38. Fast Food Restaurant: Macdonalds
39. When was your last hospital visit? Went to visit my cousin in a Pyschiatric Unit
40. Favorite drink? Port
41. What color is your bedroom's carpet? Green
42. How many times did you fail your Permit and/or Drivers test? Twice
43. Where do you see yourself in 10 yrs? Can't even think about next week
44. Who is the last person that you got mail from before this one? A work collegue
45. Have you ever been convicted of a crime? No
46. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card? Jenners, Edinburgh
47. What do you do most often when you are bored? Pace up and down, sigh
48. What words or phrases do you over use? "I tell you"
49. Friend who lives farthest away: Esther in London
50. Most annoying thing: Bad, bad attitude
51. Best thing in the world: Understanding and tolerance
52. Bedtime: 11.0pm - 3.00am
53. Who will respond to this fastest? I don't know
54. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? n/a
55. What time is it now? 1209